- 01.09.2023: Taking interbranch dynamics seriously – How the authorization leverage constrains assertive presidents. Panel Title: "Presidents and Foreign Policy". Paper accepted and presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association (APSA, Los Angeles).
- 26.05.2023: Taking the last stronghold? Analyzing executive pressure on authorization legislation in foreign policy. Annual Meeting of the German Association for American Studies (Political Science Section, JFK-Institute FU Berlin).
- 17.09.2022: Panel Organizer at the annual meeting of APSA. Panel Title: "Domestic Underpinnings of US Foreign Policy in Times of Global Power Shifts"; Paper Title: "Pivoting towards unchecked presidential discretion? Measuring executive influence on legislating foreign policy as the US rethinks its global role". In person conference in Montreal, Canada.
- 01.07.2022: Common Ground in Uncertain Times? Assessing the prospect of multilateralism in transatlantic climate change policy. Paper accepted at the annual meeting of the Council of European Studies. In person conference in Lisbon, Portugal.
- 28.01.2022: Preemptive Action – Measuring Presidential Assertiveness in Foreign Policy Lawmaking. Paper accepted and presented at the annual convention of the American Politics Groups of the Political Studies Association. [Virtual Conference]
- 28.09.2021: Preemptive Challenges: Measuring Executive Power in Legislating Foreign Policy. Paper accepted and presented at the APSA Annual Convention 2021. 29-09-2021. [Online Program].
- 30.08.2021: Preemptive Action: Measuring Presidential Assertiveness in Foreign Policy Lawmaking. Paper accepted and presented at the General Conference of the ECPR 2021. 30-08-2021. [Virtual Conference].
- 19.06.2021: The Impact of Executive Messages to Congress: A New Measure of Presidential Power in Foreign Policy. Annual Meeting of the German Association for American Studies (DGfA). [Virtual Conference].
- 07.04.2021: Unchecked and Unbalanced? Tracing the Impact of Executive Messages to Congress as a New Measure of Presidential Power in Foreign Policy. Paper accepted and presented at the ISA Annual Convention, 07-04-21, Las Vegas, USA. [Virtual Conference]
- 22.01.2021: Preemtive Action: Measuring Presidential Assertiveness in Foreign Policy Lawmaking. Paper accepted and presented at the APG Annual Conference, 22-01-21, Canterbury, UK. [Virtual Conference]
- 09.10.2020: Executive Messages to Congress: A New Measure of Presidential Assertiveness in Foreign Policy Lawmaking. Paper accepted and presented at the IB-Sektionstagung of the DVPW, 09-10-2020, Freiburg, DE. [Virtual Conference].
- 10.09.2020: The Impact of Executive Messages to Congress – A New Measure of Presidential Assertiveness. Paper accepted at the APSA General Conference, 13-09-20, San Francisco, US.
- 26.08.2020: The Impact of Executive Messages to Congress – A New Measure of Presidential Power. Paper accepted at the ECPR General Conference, 26-08-20, Innsbruck, AT.
- 03.-05.01.2020: Annual Conference of the Political Studies Association Specialist Group on American Politics in Canterbury, UK. Titel of Paper/Presentation: The Impact of Executive Messages to Congress – A New Measure of Presidential Power
- 25.08.23: Keynote on the the crisis of the Liberal International Order at the annual conference of the German Junior Scholar Association of Political and Social Sciences.
- 10.11.22: TV-Interview zum Thema "Proteste in Iran und Handlungsperspektiven für deutsche Außenpolitik" für RTL Nord.
- 04.05.22: Invited participation on a panel on US foreign policy in the middle east (organized by the Hannover University Group on Foreign and Security Policy).
- 19.01.21: TV-Interview zum Thema "Amtseinführung von Joe Biden" für RTL Nord.
- 03.11./04.11.20: Interviews zum Thema "Wahlen in den USA" für FFN, Sat1 Regional und RTL Nord. (Interviews for local TV and Radio Stations)
- 29.10.20: Invited participation on a panel entitled "Countdown – Die USA eine Woche vor der Wahl"; Friedrich Ebert Stiftung.
- 06.03.20: Impulsvortrag und Panel-Diskussion auf der Veranstaltung des Austria Institut für Europa- und Sicherheitspolitik (AIES) sowie der Diplomatischen Akademie Wien mit dem Titel "Drifting Apart? Warum die Vereinigten Statten Europa brauchen – und was nun zu tun ist"
- 11.02.20: TV-Interview für die Antenne Niedersachsen Morning Show zum Thema "Der Rücktritt von Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer und seine Folgen"
- 16.07.19: TV-Interview in der Nachrichtensendung von SAT1 Regional (Niedersachsen und Bremen) zum Thema "Die bevorstehende Wahl von Dr. Ursula von der Leyen als neue EU-Kommissionspräsidentin durch das Europäische Parlament"
- 04.07.19: TV-Interview in der Nachrichtensendung von SAT1 Regional (Niedersachsen und Bremen) zum Thema "Die Nominierung von Dr. Ursula von der Leyen als neue EU-Kommissionspräsidentin"