Publikationen / Publications

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Special issues & edited volumes

  • Ledeneva, Alena, Bratu, Roxana & Köker, Philipp. (Hrsg.) (2017). Innovations in Corruption Studies. Cambridge: Modern Humanities Research Association. [Simultaneously published as a Special Issue in Slavonic and East European Review, 95(1)] [publisher link]


  • Köker, Philipp & Harmening Morten (2024). Studentisches Publizieren in den Sozialwissenschaften: Von der Haus- und Abschlussarbeit zur wissenschaftlichen Publikation. Wiesbaden: Springer VS. [publisher link] [Book website:]

Journal articles

  • Köker, Philipp & Springer, Frederik (forthcoming). Electoral closeness and voter turnout in presidential run-off elections. Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties.
  • Fruhstorfer, Anna, Köker, Philipp, Kamenskih, Anna (2024). Presidential activism on social media: multidimensional analysis and empirical examination of presidential twitter use in Europe. Political Studies Review. [Open Access]
  • Köker, Philipp, Weiher, Nele & Schollmeyer, Anja (2024). The Gender Gap in Civil State Decorations: A Comparative Study of the Baltic States, 1994–2020. Politics & Gender, 20(2), 363-390. [Open Access]
  • Köker, Philipp. (2023). The Temporary Transfer of Presidential Powers in the Czech Republic. Review of Central and East European Law, 48 (1), 1-31. [publisher link] [Open Access]
  • Köker, Philipp, & Harmening, Morten. (2021). Und wo sind die Wahlfrauen? Defizite deskriptiver Repräsentation bei der Wahl der deutschen Bundespräsidenten. Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen, 52(3), 575-595. [publisher link] [Open Access]
  • Hönnige, Christoph, Nyhuis, Dominic, Meyer, Philipp, Köker, Philipp & Shikano, Susumu. (2020). Dominating the Debate: Visibility Bias and Mentions of British MPs in Newspaper Reporting on Brexit. Political Research Exchange, 2(1), Online, [Open Access]
  • Köker, Philipp. (2020). Why dictators veto: Legislation, legitimation and control in Kazakhstan and Russia. Democratization, 27(2), 204-223. [publisher link] [Open Access]
  • Sikk, Allan & Köker, Philipp. (2019). Party Congruence and Novelty: A New Approach to Measuring Party and Party System Change. Party Politics, 25(6), 759–770. [publisher link][Open Access]
  • Köker, Philipp. (2019). Risk vs Reward strategies in indirect presidential elections: Political parties and the selection of presidential electors in Germany, 1949-2017. German Politics, 28(4), 602-620. [publisher link] [Open Access]
  • Köker, Philipp. (2019). The effects of majority requirements, selectorate composition and uncertainty in indirect presidential elections: The case of Estonia. East European Politics, 35(2): 238-258. [publisher link] [Open Access]
  • Ledeneva, Alena, Bratu, Roxana & Köker, Philipp. (2017) Corruption Studies for the Twenty-First Century: Paradigm Shifts and Innovative Approaches. Slavonic and East European Review, 95(1): 1-20. [publisher link] [Open Access]
  • Köker, Philipp. (2014). Semi-structured elite interviews in a nested analysis framework: Studying presidential activism in Central and Eastern Europe. SAGE Research Methods Cases, Online, DOI: 10.4135/978144627305014534927. [publisher link] [Open Access]

Chapters in edited volumes

  • Köker, Philipp (forthcoming). Presidential Politics in Poland. in: Grzybowska-Walecka, Katarzyna, Guerra, Simona & Casal Bertoa, Fernando (eds.). Oxford Handbook of Polish Politics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Köker, Philipp. (2024). Impeachment in Central and Eastern Europe. in: Huq, Aziz, Flinders, Matthew & Monaghan, Chris (eds.). Impeachment in a Global Context: Law, Politics, and Comparative Practice. Abingdon: Routledge. 239-254.
  • Köker, Philipp, & Cartens, Hiske J. L. (2021). Acting Presidents and Temporary Presidential Succession in European Republics. in: Challenging traditional constitutional ideas in terms of Modern State and Politics, Đorđević, Miroslav. (ed.). Belgrad: lnstitute for Comparative Law. 245-258. [Open Access]


  • Köker, Philipp. (2022). Remembering Robert Elgie: a blogging academic. French Politics. Online First. [Open Access]

Book reviews

  • Köker, Philipp (2024). Book Review: Christopher A. Martínez. Why Presidents Fail. Political Parties and Government Survival in Latin America. Party Politics. [publisher link]
  • Köker, Philipp. (2023). Review: Csergő, Zs., Eglitis, D. S. & Pickering, P. M. (eds), Central & East European Politics. Changes and Challenges. 5th edition. Europe-Asia Studies, 75(3), 532-534. [publisher link] [Open Access]
  • Köker, Philipp. (2023). Triple Review: Beyond Presidentialism and Parliamentarism. By Steffen Ganghof; Democracy and Executive Power. By Susan Rose-Ackerman; Dilemmas of Collective Government. By Patrick Weller, Dennis C. Grube, and R.A.W. Rhodes. Perspectives on Politics, 21(1), 380-382. [publisher link] [Open Access]
  • Köker, Philipp. (2019). Review: Chaisty, P., N. Cheeseman and T.J. Power. Coalitional Presidentialism in Comparative Perspective. Europe-Asia Studies, 71(9): 1613-1615. [publisher link] [Open Access]
  • Köker, Philipp. (2016). Review: Gwiazda, A. 2016. Democracy in Poland. Representation, participation, competition and accountability since 1989. East European Politics, 32(3): 401-402. [publisher link] [Open Access]
  • Köker, Philipp. (2015). Review: Nikolenyi, Cs. 2014. Institutional Design and Party Government in Post-Communist Europe. Europe-Asia Studies, 67(10): 1727-1728. [publisher link] [Open Access]
  • Köker, Philipp. (2015). Review: Hloušek, V. (ed.). 2014. Presidents above Parties? Presidents in Central and Eastern Europe, Their Formal Competencies and Informal Power. CEU Political Science Journal, 10(1-2): 147-150. [Open Access]

PhD Thesis

Other outputs