Institutional Friction in High Court Policy Agendas: Comparing France, Canada and Germany, European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) General Conference, Section: Law and Courts, Panel: Legal Mobilization: Patterns and Consequences, Virtual Conference, August 2020 (zus. mit Christoph Hönnige (Universität Hannover), Sylvain Brouard (Institut d'Etudes Politiques de), Christine Rothmayr Allison (Université de Montréal)).
Organisation von Konferenzpanels
- Text Analysis in Judicial Politics, Panel organisiert für die Standing Group on Law and Courts im Rahmen der European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) General Conference, Virtual Conference, August 2020 (zus. mit Lisa Lechner (Universität Innsbruck)).
- Communicating the Judiciary, Panel organisiert für die Standing Group on Law and Courts im Rahmen der European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) General Conference, Virtual Conference, August 2020 (zus. mit Josè M. Reis (Universität Hamburg)).
- Gaining control of the agenda: how judicial public relations enable courts to focus issue attention, 2nd Annual POLTEXT Conference, Panel: CM 2 - Communications and Media, Waseda Universität, Tokyo, 15. September, 2019 (zus. mit Christoph Hönnige, Universität Hannover).
- Leave means leave: The link between MPs Brexit position and newspaper mentions, ECPR Standing Group Conference 2019 (Advances in the Empirical and Theoretical Study of Parliaments), 26–28 September 2019, University of Konstanz (zus. mit Christoph Hönnige (Universität Hannover), Dominic Nyhuis (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), Philipp Köker (Universität Hannover), Susumu Shikano (Universität Konstanz).
- Subsidizing Mr. Gates: Probability of Court Press Release Occurrence, 11th Annual Comparative Agenda Project (CAP) Conference, Panel: Agenda’s and Agenda Setting beyond mainstream media (E1), Universität Amsterdam, 5. Juli 2018.
- Dissemination of legal information: Structure and Topics of Online Available Court Decisions, 11th Annual Comparative Agenda Project (CAP) Conference, Panel: Political Parties & Courts (A3), Universität Amsterdam, 4. Juli 2018.
- Transparency or Newsworthiness? The Probability of Constitutional Court Press Release Occurrence, 8th Annual Conference of the European Political Science Association (EPSA), Panel: Judicial Politics II, Wien, 21. Juni 2018.
- Dissemination of legal information: Structure and Topics of Online Available Court Decisions, 1st Annual POLTEXT Conference, Panel: Legal 1, Centre for Social Sciences, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, 10. Mai 2018.
- Influencing the News: The Ability of Constitutional Courts to Shape the Media Agenda, European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) General Conference, Section: Law and Courts, Panel: Media Representation and Salience of Courts (P222), Universität Oslo, 9. September 2017.
- Influencing the News: The Ability of Constitutional Courts to Shape the Media Agenda, 10th Annual Comparative Agenda Project (CAP) Conference, Panel: Bureaucratic and Judicial Agendas (A2), Universität Edinburgh, 15. Juni 2017.
- Verfassungen ohne Schutz? Gerichtliche Stärke im Ausnahmezustand, DVPW-Themengruppe "Politik und Recht", 23. September 2016 (zus. mit Benjamin G. Engst, Universität Hannover).
- Constitutions Without Any Protection: the limits of judicial structures during the state of emergency, European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) General Conference, Section: Law and Courts, Panel: Data and Methods in Court Research (P079), Karls-Universität Prag, 08. September 2016 (zus. mit Benjamin G. Engst, Universität Hannover).
- Constitutional Review in Europe: Institutional Developments from 1995–2015 in the EU-28, European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) General Conference, Section: Law and Courts, Panel: Domestic Courts: Decision-making and Policy Implementation (P102) , Karls-Universität Prag, 09. September 2016 (zus. mit Christoph Hönnige, Universität Hannover).